Friday, June 29, 2007

The First Clue

My friend and I met in a park near my home to enjoy the cool weather and work on the first clue of the Mystery Stole #3. (See Wrapping Yarn Around Holes - below.) It was great fun. Even though it wasn't going to participate, I brought my current sock project (second one in a pair, yippee [those who knit socks will understand, those who don't, skip on]) so it too could enjoy the lovely weather. Betty brought her sock as well.

Then, getting down to work, she and I finished the first 32 rows of the clue. There are 100 rows. Unfortunately, since this is a corner, we did not (repeat NOT) complete 1/3 of the clue. I'm happy that I only made one mistake and that a cooler head (Betty's) prevailed in knowing how to get around the mistake. I'll bet only experienced Clue #1 knitters will see it.

PS to April's comments: No I didn't get an e-mail about St. Paul knitters. And I didn't have time to read your blog. I would, however, consider getting together next Friday evening somewhere. Maybe my friend would like that to happen as well.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Balcony - a good place to sit and knit

I started planting on my balcony May 13, 2007. This old, old pot came from a friend and has four plants in it: dusty miller, vinca vine, snap dragon, and a lovely dark purple/green fuzzy leafy thing.

This is the whole balcony with the hanging petunia plants, some solar lanterns, a cement dragon that I got from my son and his wife. Oh, and the strawberry pot I got from QVC. Cool.

June 14, you can see some progress. Everything is bigger.

The pot full of plants is really full today, June 28.

This is the purply fuzzy plant. It has tiny 3/4" flowers in it.

And this is where I like to sit and knit and read when the weather is not too hot or rainy.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Thanks for the comments

The yarn is from Colourmart. I washed the swatch in warm soapy water, not hot. More later.

Wrapping yarn around holes

Well, my bestest friend Betty has roped me into another challenge: Mystery Stole #3. A lady named Melanie has created two other mystery stole projects and you just sign up on yahoo groups to get started. Melanie created a small swatch pattern to play with and decide what yarn and needles you want to use for the actual project.

The idea is that starting next Friday, June 29, Melanie will post a Clue (I assume it's the beginning of the pattern). Over the next several weeks there will be more clues and eventually, if I stick with it successfully, I'll have a personally hand-knitted lace stole. We'll see.

I created my swatch using amazingly fine cashmere I bought on ebay from some guy in England who had listed it as "double knit." I'm pretty sure it's lace weight. I have three cones in navy blue, forest green, and deep plum. This swatch is in the green. I used US #4 needles and didn't stretch it out much to block it.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How much can be written about knitting?

Quite a lot, it seems. First, I learned about Stephanie Pearl-McPhee . Then my friends Betty and Ann invited me to a book signing by Amy R. Singer. Her book, no sheep for you, is all about knitting with non-sheep's-wool fibers. In her words, anything that never had 4 legs. I didn't realize the disasters that could happen by substituting the wrong fiber for wool, depending on the project and type of fiber used. I'll give a better review later, after I've had time to review this book.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Big Bag Before Felting

These are more reasonably sized photos of the "big bag." It is made of Nashua Wooly Stripes in two different colorways. I mixed in some Berroco Candy FX (100% nylon) for added bling. It's kind of hard to see here, but when it's felted, it should show up well.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Knitting visits the campground

I haven't posted much lately. Because I work on a computer all day, I get home and don't want to do more of it. So I knit. I've discovered alpaca. (I'll post photos of alpaca products at a later time.)

Since I started reading the blog and after going to a book signing by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, who "goes on and on about knitting" I decided I'd take some photos of my knitting as I move around in the world. She usually carries a sock that doesn't seem to get bigger very quickly. (Either that or she's made 6 pairs of green socks in the last couple months.)

Anyway, here's a photo of my not-yet-felted wool handbag enjoying the campground in front of the hostas I got from a wonderful friend. Actually, it's the friend who got me back into knitting. I'll post a photo of the bag when it's been felted later. (That's David's hand holding my knitting for me.)

[Sorry, the photos are too large. I'll redo them for the web.]